We make the difference - for you using our most advanced Hi-Tech technology equipment available to the tree care service industry in the market today. See what we can do for your next tree work project. Watch one of our Demonstration Videos
Oak Creek, WI has a long history of valuing trees and investing in residential tree care. Here are some key points about the history of residential tree care in Oak Creek:
Tree City USA: Oak Creek has been recognized as a Tree City USA by the Arbor Day Foundation for more than 20 years.
Overall, Oak Creek has a strong commitment to maintaining healthy and vibrant urban forests, and its efforts to promote residential tree care have helped to make the city a beautiful and sustainable place to live. The City of Oak Creek has planted thousands of trees in residential areas, parks, and along streets. These trees have been selected for their suitability to local soil and weather conditions, as well as their ability to provide benefits such as shade, air quality improvement, and wildlife habitat.
Over the many years we have worked with folks helping with all your tree care needs. Its about the story of the tree.
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Dead Tree Removal
High Maintenance Tree
Over Grown Tree
Poor Standing
Diseased Tree
Damaged Tree
Toxic Tree Species
Invasive Species
Removal for Construction
Undesirable tree species: Cottonwood, Black locust, Siberian elm, Box elder, White mulberry, Red maple ('Bradford') Pear, Sycamore, Tree of heaven, and Black Willows.
Sycamore trees: leaf dust spores caused by a growth fungai disease anthracnose. The leaf under belly dust releases spores and irritate airways when inhaled.
Pine (pinus) tree: One of the biggest contributors to air pollution. They give off gases that react with airborne chemicals creating tiny, invisible particles that muddy the air you breathe.
Ponderosa pine tree: is found to create isocupressic acid very toxic to animals.
Fir Trees: Common Christmas trees are considered to be mildly toxic. The oils can irritate the mouth, stomach, causing excessive drooling and vomiting.
Common yew: This tree contains toxins that can cause cramps and liver damage.